I'd like to share a story with you about a sales rep that had been in her industry for quite a while, but really wasn’t as successful as she wanted to be.
I met her at a recognition event, and she wasn’t very happy! Actually, that is an understatement! She was very unhappy. We scheduled some time to sit and talk about her frustrations. She was very willing to share “all the things the company wasn’t doing for her." After a few minutes of simply listening and not interrupting, she stopped venting and got quiet. I smiled at her, telling her to take a deep breath. And then we started.
I asked her questions about her life, her family, and “why” did she originally start her “business." I could see her whole demeanor change as she recalled her reasons for wanting to be her own boss. I then asked her about the different dreams and goals she had set many years ago, did she achieve them, recognize her wins, asked why she wasn’t able to accomplish the additional goals that she had set for herself, and when did things change?
I was able to find out that she was able to purchase a new car due to the earnings from her business, she was able to put food on the table, pay household bills, and even put some money into savings. The more questions I asked, the more she shared.
As she shared, you could see her frustration leaving her and we were really able to get down to the root of her frustration. Her “leader” was no longer with the company and she had never been a leader before. No one was cheering her on, no one was guiding her, and like all of us at one time or another, she hit a bump in the road.
I learned that when she hit the bumps, she started doubting herself, she was watching others succeed and it was discouraging her. She continued to sell product to some of her regular customers but didn’t believe that she could find new ones and grow a team again.
That’s not where the story ends, but here’s the lesson. Everyone needs someone in their corner, someone to listen to them, someone to ask the right questions, someone to cheer for them and remind them why they started, someone that won’t let them give up when things get tough, and someone to believe in them!
From the beginning of my career, the best advice I have ever been given is this: listen and believe.
Listen to what someone ISN’T telling you, there is a story behind every story, and believe, believe that people can be exactly what they set out to, with some help along the way.
Years later, I received a thank you note from this lovely lady thanking me for taking the time to listen to her, thanking me for reminding her why she started her business in the first place, and that being a part of that particular business helped her realize that helping other people rather than “constantly letting myself mire in self pity and depression." It brought out her best personality trait – that of a caregiver, wanting to help others. She had the opportunity to help others when they needed a shoulder and her scope of responsibility went way beyond selling products. She was “glad to feel useful again."
I have kept that thank you note for over 15 years. It’s a constant reminder that we all need a little help sometimes, and to never stop believing in your purpose.
If you need someone to come alongside you and cheer loudly, let's connect!